Great leaders frequently have a wonderful vision, but how well that vision is articulated will determine the success of that vision. When looking to make your vision a reality, be sure to first eliminate your own speed bumps to creating the success you see in front of you.
Don’t skip the details. Soundbites may be good for media but they are poor substitutes for detailed explanations of the key components on the success plan. You must craft your message for maximum effectiveness. Sharing a meaningful vision with off the cuff remarks can make your idea DOA. Craft your message to sway those in doubt. Consider the obstacles of the opposition and develop the compelling argument on how to overcome those obstacles. Finally, the more details you able to articulate demonstrated the depth of thought put into the vision as opposed to just another fleeting idea.
Don’t project your concerns. Frequently, as executives explain projects or programs, they will project their own fears onto the message. When discussing the idea try to stay away from the negatives of fear of risk, cost and adding undue pressure on to the idea that will cause people to be fearful of getting on board. Write down your worries in advance of your communication. If in fact, they dominate your thoughts on the project, then now is not the time to try to convince people to join you. You want to encourage others from a position of confidence, not fear.
Curb impatience. In the quest to get things done fast, critical steps are ignored (such as failing to write down your worries and staring at them prior to sharing the ideas and fears with others,) Patience doesn’t mean inaction. It means you recognize timing for new ideas is critically important to your own buy-in, the buy-in of employees and customers.
When you have the desire to lead your employees into new projects or directions, be sure your mind is fully convinced of the direction you want to travel before sharing the idea with the rest of those looking to you for direction.