4 Habits for Managers to Break

4 Habits for Managers to Break

Experience can be very helpful in many ways when leading a workforce, but not changing with the times can make that experience obsolete quickly. Following are four ingrained managerial habits I see being used in my client organizations that need to be broken immediately. Bad Habit #1: Going with what you know Tried and true ideas don’t always re-create previous…

3 Steps to Improving Your Determination

3 Steps to Improving Your Determination

Determination is your ability to align your energy and attention into a sharp focus. Want to deepen your resolve? Try these three steps: Choose practice over luck. Malcolm Gladwell wrote about the need for devoting 10,000 hours to performing a task to master it. How many of us have heard how it takes 15 years to become an overnight sensation?…

Are You Ready for Your Facebook Live Moment?

Are You Ready for Your Facebook Live Moment?

Recently, we’ve seen employees come under social attack for video-recorded incidents of horrendous customer interaction. This is a trend that will grow. Are you ready? Follow these three ideas to better prepare yourself for the Facebook “Live” era. There are no secrets. The overshare culture has taken hold of our society. Nothing is off limits. People talk about their paychecks,…

Dealing with Conflicts of Interest in the Workplace

Dealing with Conflicts of Interest in the Workplace

I recently read with horror about employees at a North Carolina restaurant serenading a group of police officers with a foul-mouthed rap song degrading these customers. http://nypost.com/2017/05/01/restaurant-employees-sing-f-tha-police-rendition-for-cops/ I’m sure most of my readers who saw that story shook their heads and thought, “Who thinks that is considered acceptable behavior?” Many executives I work with are realizing the younger the workforce,…

Small Business Charisma

Small Business Charisma

Do you think your small business is successful because of your quality products? You might be missing the most important part of success for your small business: the charisma. Charlotte had an amazing restaurant many years ago called Dikadee’s Front Porch, where people would line up into the parking lot to enjoy dinner. It was considered worth the wait. The…

Stop! Just Stop!

Stop! Just Stop!

Executives, listen to me… Stop! Just Stop! Take a moment to breathe. You are in a marathon, not a one-hundred-yard dash. You can’t keep up the pace you are attempting for the long haul. In the age of extremism, I’m watching executives become extremists in how they try to lead and grow their businesses. Only three things can result from…

Looking for Leading Indicators

Looking for Leading Indicators

What if you knew exactly what steps to take to achieve your goals in business? Would that be helpful? What if you knew exactly what your customers wanted to buy, how much risk would that minimize for you?  We are in an information age where predictive leading indicators can show you the proper steps to take to maximize your business…

The Age of Predictive Data

The Age of Predictive Data

Quick data facts: 100 terabytes of data are uploaded to Facebook daily! Data production will be 44 times greater in 2020 than in 2009. Walmart handles more than 1 million customer transactions every hour, which are imported into databases. Big data is a top business priority and drives enormous opportunities for business improvement. By using this mass of data in…

5 Best Attributes of Entrepreneurs

5 Best Attributes of Entrepreneurs

Without a doubt, success as a business owner is challenging. How do the best accomplish what they do? Here some of the best tools for successful entrepreneurs. Try these five attributes to propel your business success: Without a doubt, success as a business owner is challenging. How do the best accomplish what they do? Here some of the best tools…

Discipline Creates Commitment

Discipline Creates Commitment

What exactly does discipline mean? Simply, it is the measure of ability to stay the course until achievement is reached. Interested in improving your discipline ability when facing challenges? Try these three steps: Step 1: Recognize this is a learned behavior Discipline is like any other learned task in that it requires practice and repetition to experience improvements. Is this…